Ruby Confue
Ruby Confue- Baby 126 EP

Baby 126
Ruby Confue is an Urban Jazz singer originally from Swindon, now based in London. As well as jazz, her music incorporates elements of hip hop, spoken word, R&B, funk and soul.
She performs live either as a three-piece acoustic act with a guitarist and bass boxer, or with her band The Psychedelic Urban Circus.
Her first single ‘Baby 126’ was released in 2015 on Swindon’s Lighterthief label and incorporates verses from Shakespeare’s Sonnet 126. Ruby is currently performing in various London and South West England venues and is releasing an EP in early 2016 and writing her debut album.
“…a Shakespeare spouting urban mega-star in waiting. Cleverly blending elements of Hip-Hop, Soul, Funk and R&B with less obvious constituent parts such as spoken word, poetry and theatre into a strangely coherent psychedelic whole is an impressive feat, and one which is carried off with some panache.”
“Most artists would need a whole album to tackle such a range of themes and genres, Ruby Confue does it in under 200 seconds!”
“... in Ruby Confue they have found something that is underground enough to be cool, smart enough to rise above the competition yet accessible enough to appeal to more mainstream waters. This is pop music with a PhD but also streetwise enough to be able to look after itself. Big and clever….imagine that?”